Because I'm financially middle-class, can't I have big dreams?
Do you have to be in a bigger stature to have a big dream? Cannot you pursue your dream that is something other than one would call an ideal one? What price actually do you have to pay for your dreams?
It is hard being a dreamer, until and unless you turn out to be an achiever. And that is a long way there, definitely full of hardships, judgments, obstacles, and what not. It takes a courage to take a step towards your chosen path but it takes more of it to get moving on without stopping, to rise again after you fall, to keep on hoping when no one but only you believe yourself.
What is an ideal life? Finish certain level of study, get a job, marry, have kids, earn for a family, and then the responsibilities for your children; the cycle continues with generation. Would I be crazy if I have other plans for my life than those? Would I be crazy because I want all those things, but in a different way? Would I be crazy if I determine to go on my own way and not follow the path everyone is supposed to walk on?
Do I really have to surrender myself, my dreams and my hopes to the standardized normalcy of the society?
But it’s not only about me. Would not I be selfish if I do not consider the feelings of my parents who have given their all to raise me? Should not I follow the normal rules that would supposedly make everyone happy? Should not I be doing what I am supposed to do and continue the cycle?
Dreams meet reality. Sweetness vs. Harshness, it would be. Struggle.
It is a bitter truth that there is money connected to the dreams. While I firmly believe that happiness is the ultimate thing that matters the most, I also believe that money is important, it is not nothing. There is a reality that when you are pursuing your aim, it is this money that often comes as an obstacle. Because I’m talking about the middle-class society. The financial status of yours matters with the goals you have set for your life.
But because I’m from a middle-class family, cannot I have big dreams? Cannot I pursue them? What I have learnt is, in doing so, the first thing to pop up is money. How will you manage? How will you earn? The answer would be hardly clear. I would be standing alone on a path across. I would be hurting my dear family; I would be this arrogant guy trying to be different than the others. But I guess, with all these questions and thoughts, I already am different, perhaps.
Well, I dare to dream big. I keep my hopes for long. And I have a courage enough to at least give it a try because I would not want a life-long regret of not even trying. I read, “If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” (Mahatma Gandhi) The other main thing I wish is to make my parents happy and proud of me along the way of this life.
This is a tough journey - Life. Live it anyway - Fully.
P.S. The pictures used in this post are not mine. Thanks to Internet!
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