Gaining Extra Kilos
When do you think you’ve gained some weight and realize those kilos plus in your body? I do when I see my stomach becoming a sphere crossing the line drawn from head to toe. And when it becomes a bit hard to button up my pants! You know what I mean.
I’d be happy if the extra kilos were muscles but not fat. This was bound to happen when all I’m doing for few months now is eating, sitting and sleeping! It literally became the right-on process of gaining kilos, and how I've been totally into it! Fat can be burnt and toned into muscles, I know, right? but I am lazy as hell to workout. I might not be alone in it!
I don’t think any young man with relatively average or lean body looks good with this. Not a single t-shirt or shirt can hide that pretty round belly’s fat. I mean no offense to people with little more weight, believe me - you guys are handsome. I’m saying that if it has to be fat, it should be nice kinda fat, i.e. thoroughly distributed over all parts, not just those fat building a pile on tummy! Or perhaps every abs might used to be layers of fat before!!
Fats are good though! Fried potatoes, Aalu Dums, pakaudas, omelets, cheese, etc. are the proof. Meats might be the bumper for the non-vegans out there. Tasty foods apart, fats are very healthy. Energetic metabolism, hormonal balance, strong bones, less cancer risk, less heart disease, good skin, better brain function, even more muscle gain are some amazing benefits of fats. Now, who says fat is bad!
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