7 things you might face if you are a Nepali born in Kartik
If you are a Nepali born in the month of Kartik (October 18 - November 16), then you might have probably come across these things. 1. Which month are you born? “Which month are you born?” - Kartik “Eh! Kattike po?” Digest the sarcasm. Ha-ha! 2. Your birthday might fall on the day of Kukur Tihar! No. 1 was the general kind-of-funny gesture from the people. More kind-of-funnier is when you have your birthday on Kukur Tihar and you get wishes with a little bit of extra funny words added on facebook wall. I personally feel that all those who are born in Kartik get their birthday on this very Kukur Tihar at least once in a life. I love dogs, I don’t feel bad. J Moreover, I have already witnessed that ‘day’ four years back. Best thing about that was I had quite a memorable birthday that year, thanks to my friends who surprised me on a midnight ...